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At Neuberger Berman, we take our commitment to the health and safety of our employees, visitors and contractors seriously. We started in our Mayfair office in 2009 and on review decided that we did not have the internal resource or expertise to ensure that we were both complying with all the legislation or, more importantly, that we were using best practice methods to ensure that we were operating safely and providing the best working conditions for our employees. The advice, guidance and training provided by EC Safety Solutions have been invaluable in helping us create our safety culture and one that fits our business needs. We have since achieved 2 International Safety Awards (This year with Merits). EC Safety Solutions have also now started to service our European offices and they have been recieved well by all of the office managers and senior management

The 24/7 hands-on support from EC Safety Solutions has been outstanding and I would be delighted to recommend them to other organisations.

Neuberger Berman Europe Ltd - (HR Manager)

Just a quick email to let you know how much Jessica and I enjoyed yesterdays course. Thank you for being a great teacher. We both felt like we learnt some valuable knowledge which will stay with us for life!

REPE Capital Management Mayfair

As a Facilities Manager responsible for a large office in London I needed to employ a company that I could trust to deliver our health and safety requirements. As a business we are unable to justify a staff member dedicated just to health & safety, and with all the new legislation and updates we thought best that we have someone on board who can help with all our health & safety issues and requirements. EC Safety Solutions has provided us with a perfect point of contact with any Health & Safety needs or questions we may have, and continues to provide support as and when needed. EC Safety Solutions have proven to be a great find.

I have been extremely pleased with the professional and flexible service that they have provided. The training has been outstanding and all of the employees that have attended first aid and fire marshal training have said how good it was, and that the delivery was humorous, fun, educational and above all delivered in such a way that everyone felt at ease from the moment it started.
EC Safety has helped us to project the importance of health & safety to our business and has been a great help with the goals that terra firma wish to achieve.

Terra Firma Capital Partners - Alex Benjamin FM

As a new start-up company we needed a service provider that was knowledgeable, reliable and able to customise their service to suit our needs. We also needed someone who would be able to work with our landlord as we are in a very old building and had a certain amount of regulations we had to comply with. EC Safety Solutions have provided us with a competitively priced package that was tailored to meet our specified criteria. We found them to be proactive and diligent from the initial consultation period right through to the implementation and beyond. They have also provided a comprehensive risk assessment for our office as well as training for both first aiders and fire wardens. The after sales service is excellent and their consultants are always friendly and willing to help. Josephine Jenkins (Legal)

REPE Capital Management Ltd

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